The year that was 2006
I could write something long-winded and pseudo-reflective, but why should I when filling in this survey is so much
easier? :) (Stolen from
Kyasuriin, who had a similar train of thought.)
1. If you could give just one word for '06 what would it be? whuh?
2. What are your favorite memories of '06?Making and keeping university friends; convocation; Hawaii; seeing movies/hanging out with friends; Serenity charity screening; going to LA with Isolde; work training at Blue Mountain; the deterioration of my sense of humor to the point where the stupidest things are hilarious... to tell you the truth, these are either my favorite memories, or these are actually my only memories. Seriously. I'm not sure what else happened other than what I've already listed. Lol.
3. From 1-10 how would you rate this year?7
4. If you could change one thing about '06 what would it be?Less studying. More fun. Less guilt. Yeah, some combination of those three things would've been excellent. Also, more time spent with friends.
5. If you could rewind back to one moment what would it be?Rewind? You think I want to live through all of this
again, do you?
6. Best vacation you went on?LA. Hear that, Iz? 4 days in LA was better than 10 days in sunny, beachy, there's-nothing-to-do-but-lounge-around-anyway Hawaii. :)
Friends1. Did you make any new friends?I have made some friends at work, yes.
2. Do you think any of your friends have changed?Not any more than I expected them to. Everybody changes, even if on a core level we're all still the same as we've been for years.
3. Do you still have the same friends you had in the beginning of the year?Yes, plus a few new additions. :)
4. Who would you say were your best friends overall this year?The same ones who were my best friends overall last year.
5. Where did you spend most of your time?In front of my computer. In my defense, my computer is an excellent tool with which I can connect to the outside world. :)
Life1. Do you have any regrets for this year?I always have regrets. I do try not to dwell on any of them, but if you're gonna actually ASK me about them, I'm gonna remember 'em. You know?
2. Has a lot changed in your life?Somehow, I managed to procure myself a university degree. Say what? Also, I started my first job. I'm still waiting for them to realize that that was a mistake. Perhaps after I get my CKE exam results back.
3. Do you think you have changed?I'm...honestly not sure. Do you think I have?
4. Do you have a New Year's Resolution? What is it?I don't really make resolutions, per se. I've never liked New Year's anyway.
Relationships1. Did you break any relationships?No.
2. Did you meet someone special?Not in the way you mean. (Don't ask me who "you" is.)
3. Have you had any "firsts" this year?First job would be the major one.
In '06 have you:[ ] Kissed anyone
[x] Hugged anyone
[x] Been out of
state province
[x] Gone on vacation
[ ] Failed a class
[ ] Been camping
[x] Ridden a roller coaster
[ ] Gone snow boarding
[ ] Played laser tag
[x] Been out of the country
[x] Fallen asleep crying
[x] Wished you didn’t do something
[x] Laughed so hard it hurt
[ ] Had surgery
[ ] Been to a bonfire
[ ] Made smores
[x] Drank any alcoholic beverage
[x] Made a mistake
[ ] Prank called anyone
[x] Dyed/highlighted your hair
[ ] Gotten a tattoo
[ ] Chopped off a lot of your hair
[ ] Broken any bones
[ ] Been in a physical fight
[ ] Played hide and seek
[ ] Been to a funeral
[x] Said something to someone you wish you could take back
[ ] Been to the circus
[ ] Shot a gun
[ ] Passed out
[x] Played a sport
[ ] Been to the hospital
[ ] Been pantsed
[ ] Lost your voice
[ ] Gone to the zoo
[x] Been shopping
[x] Cooked your own food
[ ] Played paintball
[ ] Gone mudding
[ ] Ridden a motorcycle
[ ] Painted a room
[x] Gained weight
[x] Gone without food for 10 hours
[ ] Gone four wheeling
[ ] Lost someone important to you
[x] Slept for over 12 hours
Happy end of 2006, everyone.
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